[ Publications ]

.: Journal Papers :.

[5]  Automatic Stressing of Lithuanian Text Using Decision Trees
Anbinderis, T.,
Information Technology And Control, 39(1), 61-67, refereed in INSPEC, 2010
PDF (in English)

[4]  Disambiguation of Lithuanian Homographs Based on the Frequencies of Lexemes and Morphological Tags
Anbinderis, T. and P. Kasparaitis,
Studies About Languages, 14, 25-31, refereed in MLA. (in Lithuanian), 2009
PDF (in Lithuanian)

[3]  Algorithms for Detecting Clitics in the Lithuanian Text
Anbinderis, T. and P. Kasparaitis,
Studies About Languages, 10, 30-37, refereed in MLA. (in Lithuanian), 2007
PDF (in Lithuanian)

.: Thesis :.

[2]  PhD Thesis: "Mathematical Modelling of Some Aspects of Stressing a Lithuanian Text"
Anbinderis, T.,
supervised by dr. P. Kasparaitis
in Vilnius University, 2010
PDF (in Lithuanian) Summary PDF (in English)

[1]  Master Thesis: "Vehicle Type Recognition from Sequence of Images"
Anbinderis, T.,
supervised by dr. A. Juozapavicius
in Vilnius University, (in Lithuanian), 2005
PDF (in Lithuanian)